Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (MSPP) Avatar!!
OMG... thank you secret lender for the free lend of your MSPP (TCG)!!!
To get this avatar, have a MSPP (TCG) in your inventory and refresh. I made sure I had 49 pant devil attractors in there too, just to be on the safe side.. this TCG is currently worth 180million neopoints! *falls off her chair*
Normally you have to have full collateral, but thanks to a wonderful, incredibly generous lender, alot of us are being lent for nothing.
Whatta fab Neopian... thanks again B :D
Hey! May i know how to borrow the Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG)?
You either find a free lender, or you save 180 million NPs to buy one ;)
LOL, I can't recommend a free lender - sorry! It's up to you to find one :)
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